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Reset perimeterVINNAPAS® 8620 E - Dispersible Polymer Powder
Lab test: tile adhesives formulated with VINNAPAS® 8620 E dispersible polymer powder offer a long open time and enhanced flexibility combined with excellent tensile adhesive strength, even after conditioning in water.
Download picture (JPG, 10 KB)Laying large-format tiles
New dispersible polymer powders VINNAPAS® 5005 N and VINNAPAS® 8118 E offer outstanding adhesive properties and a good price/performance ratio. They can be used to lay tiles quickly and cost-effectively without slipping.
Download picture (JPG, 6 KB)VINNAPAS® 4220 L
New dispersible polymer powder for cost-efficient, low-emission self-leveling flooring compounds: VINNAPAS® 4220 L yields smooth, uniform surfaces that satisfy the strictest ecolabel requirements.
Download picture (JPG, 34 KB)Water-proofing test - VINNAPAS® 550 ED
Water-proofing test in the lab: The dispersion VINNAPAS® 550 ED is ideal for flexible two-component sealing slurries for creating permanent, hard-wearing seals in damp rooms, such as kitchens and bathrooms.
Download picture (JPG, 37 KB)Furnace chamber test - Photo 2
Furnace chamber test: Films made with VAE and SB binders are tested at WACKER’s carpet lab in Burghausen. The tests show that specific VAE-based films are self-extinguishing (Photo 1), while films made with SB burn readily, issuing black smoke (Photo 2). VAE-based binders there-fore allow for formulations that need fewer flame retardant additives
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