“By 2045, we will achieve net-zero thanks to our expanding portfolio of particularly sustainable products and decarbonized production.”
Dr. Christian Hartel, President & CEO of Wacker Chemie AG
It enables us to support the UN’s sustainable development goals 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 17.
SustainaBalance® Is Based on These Three Pillars:

Value Up
By empowering our teams, we enable our customers to provide more sustainable solutions.

Footprint Down
We create efficient and safe processes, use resources responsibly, avoid waste and minimize our footprint.

Collaboration Beyond
As a contributing member of society, we strive for a sustainable value chain together with all our partners.

“By 2030, all our products will meet defined sustainability criteria."
Dr. Christian Kirsten, Member of Wacker Chemie AG’s Executive Board
It enables us to support the UN’s sustainable development goals 7, 9, 12 and 13.

Our objective: “By 2030, we will halve our absolute greenhouse gas emissions.”
Dr. Jutta Matreux, Nünchritz site manager
Dr. Peter von Zumbusch, Burghausen site manager
It enables us to support the UN’s sustainable development goals 12 and 13.

“By 2030, we will lower our specific energy consumption by 15%.”
Marina Baumgartner / Dr. Antje Steinbrück, Energy Management WGER (WACKER Germany)
It enables us to support the UN’s sustainable development goals 12 and 13.

“Our goal is for 100% of our key suppliers to meet defined sustainability standards.”
Qiyong Cui, Head of Supplier and Sustainability Management
It enables us to support the UN’s sustainable development goals 4, 8 and 17.

“By 2030, we will cut our absolute upstream greenhouse gas emissions by 25%.”
Dr. Erk Thorsten Heyen, Senior Vice President of Procurement and Logistics
It enables us to support the UN’s sustainable development goals 13 and 17.

“By 2030, we will reduce our specific water withdrawal by 15%.”
Christoph Schoeffel, Head of Utility Supply Plant Burghausen
It enables us to support the UN’s sustainable development goal 12.

“We aim to lower the number of chemical accidents with missed workdays, as well as our process-related accidents, to zero per year.”
Tom Guo, Head of Safety Management at WACKER Greater China
It enables us to support the UN’s sustainable development goals 4, 8 and 12.
Factsheet Sustainability: Strategy and Roadmap
(PDF 2.2 MB) - english
Sustainability Factsheet: Climate Protection
(PDF 220.2 KB) - english
Sustainability Factsheet: Supply Chains
(PDF 216.2 KB) - english
Sustainability Factsheet: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
(PDF 265.3 KB) - english

We would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have concerning sustainability at WACKER.
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