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press pictures

Slurries Sample

Cementitious water proofing membranes containing VINNAPAS® provide strong and long-term protection against water leakage or damage due to water penetration (left box), unlike conventional formulations (right box).

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Alz canal

The 16-km long Alz canal in Burghausen (Germany) was renovated and sealed using polymer-modified sealing slurries to prevent water leakage.

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Burghausen - Spray-drying towers

Spray-drying towers for dispersible polymer powders at WACKER’s parent plant in Burghausen, Germany. With the construction of a new 50,000-metric-ton spray dryer, WACKER is strengthening its position as a market and technology leader in this field.

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Cyclodextrins model

Model of cyclodextrin fragrance complexes in wall paints: The ring-shaped sugar molecules can host fragrances in their inner cavity. Set off by moisture, they are released to their surrounding in a controlled manner.

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Polysilicon Solar Cells

Polycrystalline silicon from WACKER POLYSILICON. Polysilicon is the starting material for producing both computer chips and high-quality solar cells.

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