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Welcome to WACKER


WACKER has been supplying chemical products to Korea since the mid-1980s. In 1996, the local subsidiary, Wacker Chemicals Korea Inc. was established for turnkey operations within the country.

Creating Tomorrow‘s Solutions – WACKER Korea is dedicated to green and energy-efficient technologies to develop innovative silicone and polymer material

Robust competitiveness of Wacker Chemicals Korea lies in pursuing efficient management and aligning the company’s innovation effort to megatrends and to dynamic developments in specific technological and customer segments. The Group and Wacker Chemicals Korea are a globally active chemical leader making strides in a variety of sectors, such as the electrical, electronic and automotive industries.

Wacker Chemicals Korea Inc.

S-3F, 231 Pangyoyeok-ro
Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si,
Gyeonggi-do 13494
+82 31 697-7200

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