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Wind Energy

Material efficiency is a key factor in the profitable operation of wind power plants. WACKER products for the bonding, anchorage, insulation, impregnation and protection of wind turbines and their components offer the wind-energy industry a future-proof portfolio for onshore and offshore wind parks.

The blades of a wind turbine are formed by bonding together half-shells composed of different materials.

HDK® pyrogenic silica is used in bonding the rotor blades and in securing the turbine to its foundations. Our integrated production system, with its statistical process control and highly efficient reactor dynamics, delivers a pyrogenic silica that is exceptionally pure.


  • Better performance, stability and handling of the bonding pastes
  • Remarkable long-term storage stability
  • High viscosity, with the formation of non-sag adhesive beads directly upon application
  • Excellent efficiency (less material required; the cured resin is less likely to become brittle)
  • High specific surface area and specific, highly hydrophobic treatment


HDK® H17 approx. 90 m²/g[1] approx. 90 m²/g[1]
HDK® H18 approx. 120 m²/g[1] approx. 120 m²/g[1]
HDK® N20 175 - 225 m²/g[2] 175 - 225 m²/g[2]
[1] BET表面 | DIN ISO 9277/ DIN 66132 | of the hydrophobic silica,  [2] BET表面 | DIN ISO 9277/ DIN 66132,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合 

Re-usable silicone rubber vacuum bags increase the efficiency of making parts from fiber-reinforced plastic composites for wind and sea turbines. ELASTOSIL® C silicone rubber grades are room-temperature-curing, two-part (RTV-2) silicone rubber compounds known for their excellent fidelity of reproduction.

Bags made of ELASTOSIL® C 1200 guarantee more processing runs, less vapor and greater flexibility. Our vacuum bags streamline manufacture of fiber composites by the infusion process.

Silicones are also used for the production of spacers, wedges and bladders, as well as for applying pressure to the composite or for creating hollow structures for rotor blades during the manufacturing process. Re-usability and release properties together with good chemical resistance are the key advantages here.


  • Flexible
  • Self-leveling
  • Longer pot life and curing time
  • Suitable for large surfaces
  • Reusable


Product properties
Viscosity, dynamic 动态粘度 Tear-growth resistance Shore density A Breaking strength 断裂伸长率 耐久性 监管 流变性 交联性能
CENUSIL® M 830 A/B 8000 mPa·s[1] 8000 mPa·s[1] - - > 20 N/mm[5] > 20 N/mm[5] 26[6] 26[6] 5 N/mm²[8] 5 N/mm²[8] 500 %[10] 500 %[10] 耐混凝土 食品接触 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化
ELASTOSIL® C 1200 A/B - - 20000 mPa·s[2] 20000 mPa·s[2] 25 N/mm[5] 25 N/mm[5] 25[6] 25[6] 5 N/mm²[8] 5 N/mm²[8] 500 %[10] 500 %[10] 耐聚酯纤维, 耐环氧树脂 - 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化, 室温下快速固化
ELASTOSIL® C 1500 US A/B - - 26000 mPa·s[3] 26000 mPa·s[3] 25 N/mm[5] 25 N/mm[5] 27[7] 27[7] 5 N/mm²[9] 5 N/mm²[9] - - - - - -
ELASTOSIL® C 1500 US A/B CRT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ELASTOSIL® RT 625 A/B - - 25000 mPa·s[4] 25000 mPa·s[4] 30 N/mm[5] 30 N/mm[5] 25[6] 25[6] 6.5 N/mm²[8] 6.5 N/mm²[8] 600 %[10] 600 %[10] - - 易流动的 双组分, 加成固化
[1] Viscosity, dynamic | 23 °C | ISO 3219,  [2] 动态粘度 | 23 °C | ISO 3219,  [3] 动态粘度 | 23 °C ,  [4] 动态粘度 after stirring | 23 °C | ISO 3219,  [5] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [6] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [7] Shore density A | ISO 868,  [8] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [9] Breaking strength | ISO 37,  [10] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37 type 1,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合 

ELASTOSIL® RT room-temperature-curing silicone rubber grades provide excellent protection of control units and sensors.


  • Outstanding flowability
  • Good self-deaeration
  • High reactivity for rapid demolding
  • Rapid demolding time
  • Long-term consistency
  • High tear resistance

WACKER SilGel® comprises addition-curing RTV-2 silicone elastomers that cure at room temperature and at higher temperatures. They are ideal for encapsulating extremely sensitive electronic devices and protecting them from external influences.


  • Low viscosity
  • Pronounced inherent tack
  • Primer or adhesion promoter often superfluous

Product Recommendations

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ELASTOSIL® RTV grades are ready-to-use room-temperature-curing silicones that are ideal for the insulation and impregnation of wind turbine generators.

Typical applications are:

  • Potting of stator slot exits
  • Elastic bonding of the coil windings
  • Bonding of insulation caps


  • Improved thermal management
  • Fire safety
  • Protection against moisture and environmental impacts
  • Electrical insulation
  • Corona shielding and protection


Product properties
SILRES® H60 A/B 不含溶剂, 低粘度, 耐热性, 憎水性, 液体, 耐紫外线性和耐候性, 电绝缘性
SILRES® H62 C 不含溶剂, 低粘度, 单组分, 耐热性, 憎水性, 液体, 耐紫外线性和耐候性, 电绝缘性
[] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合 

Further Information