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Water-permeability test: Open-pored concrete modified with ETONIS® 260 facilitates the transport of moisture (left), while on conventional solid concrete, water builds up and runs off slowly (right). This results in far fewer cracks forming in the new concrete and augments its resistance to frost and road salts.

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Production Facility in Ulsan

WACKER’s Ulsan plant already manufactures VAE dispersions as binders for sectors such as construction, coatings and adhesives. With the new spray dryer for dispersible polymer powders, WACKER is strengthening its position as market and technology leader in this field

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The dispersion VINNAPAS® 536 ED is ideal for flexible two-component waterproofing membranes for creating reliable and permanent seals in damp rooms.

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Dr. Tobias Ohler

Member of the Executive Board

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Wacker Química do Brasil Technical Center

Practical test at Wacker Química do Brasil’s technical center: An employee is testing the tensile bond strength of tile adhesives, which is significantly in-creased by WACKER’s dispersible powders.

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