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WACKER’s production plant in Nanjing: with this new plant, which has an overall annual capacity of 20,000 metric tons for food-grade polyvinyl acetate solid resins, WACKER is strengthening its leading position in this field.

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Polysilicon deposition - Nünchritz

Polysilicon deposition at the Nünchritz plant .These cutting-edge production facilities were designed for an annual capacity of 15,000 metric tons.

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Gas conversion system - Nünchritz

Gas conversion system for polysilicon production at the Nünchritz site. This plant recycles by-products to feed them back into the manufacturing process.

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Tests Wood Glue’s Shear

WACKER’s applications technology department tests the wood glue’s shear strength according to DIN EN 204.

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Slate-cork Panel

Wafer-thin, flexible slate-cork panel: novel floor and wall coverings are created from natural cork, Indian slate and WACKER's innovative VINNEX® powder binders.

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