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Product properties
pH值 成分 外观 动态粘度 产品种类 具体特征
BELSIL® eco REG 1102 - - - - - - - - - -
LIOSIL® TS 533 E US 约 5[1] 约 5[1] 约 35 %[4] 约 35 %[4] Colorless, clear Colorless, clear - - - -
SIPELL® AE 34 约 5[2] 约 5[2] approx 50 %[5] approx 50 %[5] colorless to yellowish, opalescent colorless to yellowish, opalescent - - 浓缩液 用水稀释, 低VOC含量
SIPELL® AE 45 约 5[2] 约 5[2] approx 40 %[5] approx 40 %[5] milky white emulsion milky white emulsion - - 乳液 -
SIPELL® AP 304 5 - 7[2] 5 - 7[2] 约 30 %[6] 约 30 %[6] milky white emulsion milky white emulsion - - 乳液 用水稀释, 不含有机溶剂
SIPELL® AP 609 LV 约 7[3] 约 7[3] approx 70 %[6] approx 70 %[6] milky white emulsion[7] milky white emulsion[7] - - - -
SIPELL® CE 27 约 7 约 7 approx 63 %[5] approx 63 %[5] milky white emulsion milky white emulsion - - - -
SIPELL® RE 55 M - - - - - - - - - -
SIPELL® RE 61 F - - - - clear, slighty yellowish liquid clear, slighty yellowish liquid 约 180 mPa·s[8] 约 180 mPa·s[8] - -
SIPELL® RE 63 F - - - - clear to slightly turbid, brownish fluid clear to slightly turbid, brownish fluid - - - -
SIPELL® VF 35 LV 约 8[2] 约 8[2] - - slightly milky emulsion slightly milky emulsion - - - -
SIPELL® WT 19 约 6[2] 约 6[2] - - opalescent to slightly milky emulsion opalescent to slightly milky emulsion - - - -
WETSOFT® LV 500 5 - 8[2] 5 - 8[2] - - sligthly hazy, colourless[7] sligthly hazy, colourless[7] - - - -
[1] pH值 value | 指示剂条,  [2] pH值 | 指示剂条,  [3] pH value | 指示剂条,  [4] Solid content | Microwave oven,  [5] 固含量 | Microwave oven,  [6] Solid Content | Microwave oven,  [7] Appearance,  [8] 动态粘度 | 25 °C | DIN 53019