ETONIS® 7601 A (USA)

ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) is a hard dispersible polymer powder based on vinyl acetate-ethylene and is used in both hot and cold asphalt applications. ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) imparts very good strength, lowers viscosity, improves adhesion and is suitable for end products with low emissions.


Hot asphalt

ETONIS® 7601 A (USA), when used in combination with SBS-type polymers, makes hot asphalt binders easier to process and pump because it reduces the viscosity and generally lowers the processing and application temperatures. Further, ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) helps with faster cooling of a polymer-modified asphalt batch. It significantly improves adhesion to aggregate, improves low temperature flexibility, bleeding and phase segregation. A VAE/SBS modified binder improves adhesion to aggregate and increases the overall toughness and durability. ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) has a plasticizing effect in modified asphalts and improves workability without compromising performance properties.

Cold asphalt

In cold asphalt emulsions, ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) is compatible with both cationic and anionic systems. ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) improves rheology, adhesion, tack, enhances flexural strength, flexibility, drying, abrasion and oil resistance.

Practical benefits

ETONIS® 7601 A (USA)  is a solid polymer, so transport costs are less than for liquid dispersions. Using ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) cuts overall energy costs due to easier processing and lower temperature application.

ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) is suitable for modifying both hot asphalt binders in combination with SBS-type polymers as well as anionic and cationic cold asphalt emulsions. It is used in waterproofing, roofing, hot mix paving, tack coat, chip seal, fog seal, scrub seal, microsurfacing and sealers, and other asphalt applications.


Hot asphalt

ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) may be added in powder form either to the hot asphalt binder at any time in the process with either paddle or high shear mixing. Mixing and pumping the hot asphalt binder causes the polymer powder to redisperse rapidly and blend with both the SBS and asphalt binder. Typically 25 wt. % of SBS is replaced with ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) to enhance hot asphalt binders. The amounts used in special applications for higher ductility and elongation may be considerably higher. The exact amount will depend on the requirements profile.

Cold asphalt

ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) may be used with both anionic and cationic asphalt emulsions. When using with cold asphalt emulsions, ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) may first be mixed with gauging water and then added to the asphalt emulsion or may be added as a powder directly to the asphalt emulsion. Protracted stirring of the polymer/water mixture is apt to cause individual components to settle out, but brief mixing will produce a homogenous mixture again. The amount of ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) needed to modify cold asphalt emulsions ranges from 2.5 - 5.0 % v/v relative to the asphalt emulsion. The amounts used in special applications for improved ductility, flexibility and elongation may be considerably higher. The exact amount will depend on the requirements profile.

If ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) is used in applications other than those mentioned, the choice, processing and use of ETONIS® 7601 A (USA) is the sole responsibility of the purchaser. All legal and other regulations must be complied with. Slight discoloration may occur without impairing the product’s functionality.

Verpackung / Gebinde

25 kg paper bags. Other sizes on request. 


Das Produkt ist während der Lagerung vor der Einwirkung von Feuchtigkeit zu schützen. Eine längere Lagerung bei Temperaturen über 30°C, auch in Verbindung mit Druckbelastung, Feuchtigkeit oder Sonneneinstrahlung, kann zur Verblockung führen. Offene Gebinde sollten sorgfältig verschlossen und ebenfalls entsprechend gelagert werden. Daher empfiehlt sich ein Lagerhaus, in dem das Produkt kühl und trocken aufbewahrt werden kann. Lagern Sie das Produkt nicht länger als sechs Monate, beginnend mit dem Eingangsdatum, es sei denn, das Analysezertifikat enthält ein anderes Datum, welches dann Vorrang hätte. Eine Lagerung über den empfohlenen Zeitpunkt hinaus bedeutet nicht, dass das Produkt unbrauchbar geworden ist. Eine Überprüfung der für den vorgesehenen Einsatzzweck erforderlichen Eigenschaften durch den Anwender ist dann jedoch ratsam.

Vertrieb & Support

Wacker Chemie AG
Heilbronner Strasse 74
70191 Stuttgart
+49  711  61942-0 (Phone)

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Wacker Chemie AG
Heilbronner Strasse 74
70191 Stuttgart
+49  711  61942-0 (Phone)

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