VINNEX® 8803


  • VINNEX® 8803 is a colorless, tasteless and odorless thermoplastic resin in dosable form and can be melted easily. 

VINNEX® 8803 is recommended as highly efficient Low Profile Additive for fiber-reinforced composites and polymer concrete type applications. Guide formulations are available upon request. It also shows excellent compatibility with Biopolyesters like PLA.


Solid content               Viscosity Brookfield RVT

in styrene                   20 RPM, 23 ° C (P ML 002)

40 %                                                 1100 mPas

 Solid content               Viscosity Brookfield RVT

in 1,4-BDDMA                20 RPM, 23 ° C (P ML 002)

33 %                                                  3100 mPas

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Bei Fragen in Bezug auf die Zulassung für den Kontakt mit Lebensmitteln nach Paragraph 21 CFR (US FDA) bzw. dem deutschen Lebensmittelrecht (BfR) wenden Sie sich bitte an:


Wacker Chemie AG, Gisela-Stein-Strasse 1, 81671 München, Deutschland

Verpackung / Gebinde

VINNEX® 8803 is delivered in 25 kg bags.


To prevent caking VINNEX® 8803 should not be stored at temperatures above 10°C. Storage conditions must be dry; material must be protected from direct sun exposure.

Under these conditions the product has a shelf life of at least 36 months starting from the date of receipt.


Vertrieb & Support

Wacker Chemie AG
Heilbronner Strasse 74
70191 Stuttgart
+49  711  61942-0 (Phone)

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