WACKER SilGel® 613

WACKER SilGel® 613 is a pourable, addition-curing, RTV-2 silicone rubber that vulcanizes at room temperature to a very soft silicone gel.


  •  two-part, 10 : 1 mixing ratio
  •  very low viscosity
  •  rapid curing at room temperature with ELASTOSIL® CAT PT-F
  •  very low hardness (silicone gel)
  •  inherent tack
  •  excellent mechanical damping properties
  •  rapid UV curing at room temperature in combination with long potlife (with ELASTOSIL® CAT UV)

Mixing Even traces of ELASTOSIL® CAT PT (-F, -UV) may cause gelling of <(> <<)>productname>. Therefore tools (spatula, stirrers, etc.) used for handling of ELASTOSIL ® CAT PT (-F, -UV) or the catalyzed compound must not come into contact with WACKER SilGel® 613.

WACKER SilGel® 613 and ELASTOSIL® CAT PT (-F, -UV) should be thoroughly mixed at a 10 : 1 ratio by weight or volume.

Curing speed of the combination WACKER SilGel® 613 and ELASTOSIL® CAT UV (10:1) is highly dependent on UV-activation (UV/intensity and dose).

We recommend running preliminary tests to optimize conditions for the particular application. Comprehensive processing instructions are given in our leaflet "Wacker RTV-2 Silicone Rubber - Processing".

Surface preparation All surfaces must be clean and free of contaminants that will inhibit the cure of WACKER SilGel® 613. Examples of inhibiting contaminants are sulfur containing materials, plasticizers, urethanes, amine containing materials and organometallic compounds – especially organotin compounds. If a substrate’s ability to inhibit cure is unknown, a small scale test should be run to determine compatibility.

WACKER SilGel® 613 and ELASTOSIL® CAT PT (-F, -UV) should be thoroughly mixed at a 10 : 1 ratio by weight or volume.

Curing time of addition-curing silicone rubber is highly dependent on temperature, size and heat sink properties of the component being potted. Curing speed of the combination WACKER SilGel® 613 and ELASTOSIL® CAT UV (10:1) is highly dependent on UV-activation (UV/intensity and dose).


Das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum der jeweiligen Charge ist auf dem Produktetikett angegeben. Eine Lagerung über den auf dem Produktetikett angegebenen Zeitraum hinaus bedeutet nicht notwendigerweise, dass die Ware unbrauchbar ist. Eine Überprüfung der für den jeweiligen Einsatzzweck erforderlichen Eigenschaftswerte ist jedoch in diesem Falle aus Gründen der Qualitätssicherung unerlässlich.

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Wacker Chemicals Ltd.
2 Arlington Square, Downshire Way
Bracknell RG12 1WA
+44  1344  401 670 (Phone)

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Wacker Chemicals Ltd.
2 Arlington Square, Downshire Way
Bracknell RG12 1WA
+44  1344  401 670 (Phone)

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