WACKER SilGel® 613
WACKER SilGel® 613 is a pourable, addition-curing, RTV-2 silicone rubber that vulcanizes at room temperature to a very soft silicone gel.
- two-part, 10 : 1 mixing ratio
- very low viscosity
- rapid curing at room temperature with ELASTOSIL® CAT PT-F
- very low hardness (silicone gel)
- inherent tack
- excellent mechanical damping properties
- rapid UV curing at room temperature in combination with long potlife (with ELASTOSIL® CAT UV)
Mixing Even traces of ELASTOSIL® CAT PT (-F, -UV) may cause gelling of <(> <<)>productname>. Therefore tools (spatula, stirrers, etc.) used for handling of ELASTOSIL ® CAT PT (-F, -UV) or the catalyzed compound must not come into contact with WACKER SilGel® 613.
WACKER SilGel® 613 and ELASTOSIL® CAT PT (-F, -UV) should be thoroughly mixed at a 10 : 1 ratio by weight or volume.
Curing speed of the combination WACKER SilGel® 613 and ELASTOSIL® CAT UV (10:1) is highly dependent on UV-activation (UV/intensity and dose).
We recommend running preliminary tests to optimize conditions for the particular application. Comprehensive processing instructions are given in our leaflet "Wacker RTV-2 Silicone Rubber - Processing".

Surface preparation All surfaces must be clean and free of contaminants that will inhibit the cure of WACKER SilGel® 613. Examples of inhibiting contaminants are sulfur containing materials, plasticizers, urethanes, amine containing materials and organometallic compounds – especially organotin compounds. If a substrate’s ability to inhibit cure is unknown, a small scale test should be run to determine compatibility.
WACKER SilGel® 613 and ELASTOSIL® CAT PT (-F, -UV) should be thoroughly mixed at a 10 : 1 ratio by weight or volume.
Curing time of addition-curing silicone rubber is highly dependent on temperature, size and heat sink properties of the component being potted. Curing speed of the combination WACKER SilGel® 613 and ELASTOSIL® CAT UV (10:1) is highly dependent on UV-activation (UV/intensity and dose).

Vertrieb & Support
Bracknell RG12 1WA
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