ELASTOSIL® R 502/75 OH is a peroxide crosslinking HCR silicone for the manufacture of silicone-insulated safety cables that maintain circuit integrity in case of fire.


In case of fire ELASTOSIL® R 502/75 OH forms a ceramic-like layer with high insulation resistance, good mechanical stability and low smoke formation.


The color of the rubber base is white. Colors will not match the RAL color codes of the masterbatches used in paste or pellet form in the compound (pastel colors).

This product can be used within a temperature range of - 55 °C to + 210 °C.

Spezifische Merkmale von ELASTOSIL® R 502/75 OH

  • keramifizierend

For flame resistant cable construction (safety cables). Cables containing ELASTOSIL® R 502/75 OH have successfully passed standards, like NFC 32070 CR1, BS 6387 CWZ, DIN 4102, part 12 (E30,-60,-90), UL 2196, EN 50200, IEC 60331-11, etc.

For detailed information refer to our latest brochure "SOLID AND LIQUID SILICONE RUBBER - MATERIAL AND PROCESSING GUIDELINES".

Verpackung / Gebinde

This product is available in 20 kg and 540 kg cardboard packaging.

Special delivery forms are possible but depend on several technical and commercial aspects. Please contact your local sales manager in such cases.


Please store the cardboard boxes in a dry and cool place. Already opened boxes should be closed again to avoid any contamination. The 'Best use before end' date of each batch is shown on the product label. Storage beyond the date specified on the label does not necessarily mean that the product is no longer usable. In this case however, the properties required for the intended use must be checked for quality assurance reasons.

Vertrieb & Support

Wacker Chemical Corporation
S State Road 4950
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
+1  888  922-5374 (Phone)

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Products Technical data
Aussehen Härte Shore A Reißfestigkeit Reißdehnung Tear strength Compression Set
ELASTOSIL® R 502/75 OH white white 73[2] 73[2] 8,7 N/mm²[4] 8,7 N/mm²[4] 400 %[6] 400 %[6] 24 N/mm[8] 24 N/mm[8] 56 %[9] 56 %[9]
ELASTOSIL® R 512/70 OH opaque opaque 70[2] 70[2] 6,5 N/mm²[4] 6,5 N/mm²[4] 300 %[6] 300 %[6] 18 N/mm[8] 18 N/mm[8] 41 %[9] 41 %[9]
ELASTOSIL® R 757/60 transluzent[1] transluzent[1] 62[3] 62[3] 8,5 mPa[5] 8,5 mPa[5] 400 %[7] 400 %[7] > 27 N/mm[8] > 27 N/mm[8] - -
[1] Aussehen | DIN ISO 2137,  [2] Härte Shore A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [3] Härte Shore A | DIN 53505 | ± 5,  [4] Reißfestigkeit | ISO 37 Type 1,  [5] Reißfestigkeit | DIN 53404 S1,  [6] Reißdehnung | ISO 37 Type 1,  [7] Reißdehnung | DIN 53404 S1,  [8] Tear strength | ASTM D 624 B,  [9] Compression Set | 22 h | 175 °C | DIN ISO 815-1 type B method A 


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Wacker Chemical Corporation
S State Road 4950
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
+1  888  922-5374 (Phone)

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