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SILRES® BS resin silicone emulsion paint

For effective facade protection: Silicone resin emulsion paints based on SILRES® BS feature very high water-vapor permeability, extremely low water absorption and extreme durability.

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llustration Drop Test

This droplet penetration test shows that water-repellent silicone fluid emulsions from WACKER reliably protect mineral wool from moisture. Thanks to its low viscosity, the new SILRES® BS 5137 can be processed very efficiently.

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Wacker Metroark Chemicals - Kolkata

Wacker Metroark Chemicals’ production facility in Kolkata. The joint venture, in which WACKER has a 51 percent stake, produces silicones for the textile, personal-care and construction sectors.

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Allentown HQ

WACKER POLYMERS’ new US headquarters in Allentown (Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, USA). Alongside research and applications labs, the 6,200 m2 facility houses sales, marketing, customer-service and administrative functions.

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WACKER produces cyclodextrins at its Eddyville site (USA). The ring-shaped sugar molecules bio-engineered from starch are used in the pharma, household, cosmetics, food, construction and agrochemical sectors as well as for producing novel surfaces with self-healing properties.

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