WACKER ACADEMY Global Meeting clear_16x9


Pangyo, South Korea (Seoul)

At home in the land of vibrant cities boasting the world’s most modern telecommunications networks: South Korea sets international standards in the high-tech electronics and semiconductor industries. Our local experts are there to help you with the best materials and innovative expertise.

We Are Here for You

After decades of rapid economic growth, South Korea has established itself as an industrial nation on the world market. Innovations and modern technologies, particularly in the semiconductor and electronics industries, as well as in the transport and IT sectors, have been and continue to be decisive in this context. For these and other applications, we’d like to offer you new and improved materials which we will be pleased to develop with you.

Beyond our products, we are happy to assist you with specific knowledge and expertise.

Discover more uses and fields of application in our Insight articles!

Would You Like…

  • To strengthen the extensive product expertise of your sales and marketing teams?
  • To enhance understanding of our products and applications within your engineering, laboratory and/or R&D team through theoretical instruction and hands-on lab work?
  • To discover new solutions and trends for your markets?
  • To refresh and expand your own expertise?
  • To exchange ideas with like-minded people?

Then WACKER ACADEMY South Korea is right for you!

Expert in laboratory

Be a Specialist

Are your customers searching for special solutions in the electronics, automotive, adhesives and sealants, or construction industry? Then, a special kind of expertise is needed here. And that is exactly what the WACKER ACADEMY South Korea offers you.

Based on the knowledge and experience of our engineering and laboratory staff in the WACKER plants in Jincheon and Ulsan, the WACKER ACADEMY unites research and development, application technology, in-depth training, and professional development under one roof.

Expert training in laboratory

Learn from Experts

You will learn much more than chemistry in our trainings and seminars. By sharing their knowledge and deep understanding of the WACKER products and its potential applications, our 11 expert trainers give you the best possible foundation for improving your market opportunities and sales volume.

All our trainers are ready for WACKER ACADEMY sessions for customers as well as distributors.

Skyline Seoul

Lead Your Market

Market leadership is about discovering new solutions and technology trends that meet your customer requirements. The WACKER ACADEMY is closely linked to two WACKER Technical Competence Centers in South Korea.

Profit from the invaluable knowledge of our experts and leverage customized solutions that fit your and regional concerns precisely and in a timely manner.

Expert in laboratory
Expert training in laboratory
Skyline Seoul

Developing Custom Solutions Together

Our experts are not only familiar with WACKER products. Many are native speakers who know the local market trends and requirements. Benefit from access to an extensive network of experts.

Get to know our instructors!

We Focus on the Following:

Energy, Electrical Engineering and Electronics (Silicones)

Adhesives and Sealants (Silicones)

Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Technology (Polymers and Silicones)

Construction Technology and Infrastructure (Polymers and Silicones)

Let Us Introduce Ourselves

The WACKER ACADEMY in South Korea was established near Seoul in 2012. It is closely linked to WACKER’s technical centers in Pangyo and Anyang. To offer you the best, we combine research and development, application technology, training, seminars and continuing education. Particularly important to us is the exchange with distributors, customers and like-minded people. Become part of our strong network and benefit from our WACKER experts. We develop individual seminars tailored specifically to your local needs.

You can choose between our range of online courses or face-to-face classroom training. Experience varied events with live demonstrations that alternate between theory and practice:

  • Basic knowledge of silicones and polymers
  • Customized training by our technical experts
  • Laboratory demonstrations and practical workshops
  • Classroom training, upon request on your premises
  • Webinars with hands-on demonstrations via video

Seminars Offered in South Korea (Seoul)

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12 of 12 result(s)

Construction Materials | Sealants Introduction to WACKER Silicone Sealants for the Construction Industry

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Distributors

This seminar introduces participants to the range of WACKER sealants and adhesives, addresses their applications and explains WACKER labeling conventions.

Upon request

Adhesives Advanced VAE Technology and In-Depth Discussion of Specific Adhesive Applications

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers

This seminar will demonstrate how you can utilize VINNAPAS®VAE dispersions to meet customer requirements and will present new substrates under development to help you respond to new trends.

Upon request

Electrics & Electronics Introduction to WACKER Silicones for Electronics Applications

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers

This seminar presents the range of WACKER’s high-quality silicone products for electronics applications. Course content also includes a guide for proper silicone product selection for all electronics applications.

Upon request

Automotive, Aerospace & Railway Introduction to WACKER Silicones for Rubber Compounding

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers

This seminar presents the range of WACKER’s high-quality silicone products for silicone rubber compounding applications. Content also includs a guide to proper silicone product selection for all rubber applications.

Upon request

Construction Materials Introduction to Silicone Construction Chemicals

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers

This seminar presents the excellent water-repellent characteristics of WACKER silicone products and their applicability to various building materials. The course focuses primarily on concrete protection and silicone resin emulsion paints.

Upon request

Construction Materials Long-Term Durability and Quality of CTAs (Ceramic Tile Adhesives), and the Impact of Stress on Ceram

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Customers

This course will focus on the long-term durability and quality of polymer binders in ceramic tile adhesives, and on their ability to protect against the impact of stress on ceramic tile. The seminar provides in-depth knowledge, compares non-modified and modified CTAs, and provides information on the differences between KS, ISO and ANSI standards.

Upon request

Automotive, Aerospace & Railway Silicone Chemistry in Bonding

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Customers

This seminar will introduce you to fundamental silicone chemistry and to WACKER specialty products for bonding applications. Optical bonding with LUMISIL® and adhesives based on SEMICOSIL® UV will be covered as well.

Upon request

Electrics & Electronics Introduction to WACKER Silicones for Semiconductor Applications

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers

This seminar will introduce you to the range of WACKER's high-quality silicone products for semiconductor applications. It also includes a guide for selecting the right silicone product for each semiconductor application.

Upon request

Construction Materials Understanding VINNAPAS® VAE Dispersion Technology for a Variety of Substrates

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers

This seminar will provide participants with a comprehensive explanation of VINNAPAS®VAE chemistry, with a focus on suitable applications and recent market trends.

Upon request

Automotive, Aerospace & Railway Introduction to WACKER Silicones for Automotive Applications

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Distributors, Customers

This seminar presents the range of WACKER’s high-quality silicone products for automotive applications, and provides a guide to proper silicone product selection for individual automotive applications.

Upon request

Personal Care BELSIL® Specialty Products for Consumer Care

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Customers

This seminar presents the range of WACKER’s high-quality consumer care products and addresses the unique silicone properties and specialty applications of BELSIL®.

Upon request

Construction Materials The Importance of Polymer Binders in ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems) and TIR (

South Korea (Pangyo) Instructor-led training Customers

This construction materials seminar is offered by Korean distributor Chemicon in cooperation with Poraver. Here WACKER provides a basic introduction to the global market trend toward ETICS and on the status of ETICS in Korea.

Upon request

Wacker Chemicals Korea Inc.

S-3F, 231 Pangyoyeok-ro
Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si
Gyeonggi-do 13494
+82 31 697-7200

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