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Silicone Parts - 3D print

At K 2016, WACKER is presenting an innovative technology for additive manufacturing of silicones. The novel 3D technology even allows printing complex geometries such as internal lattices. The Munich-based company is offering its 3D-services under the ACEO® brand.

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LUMISIL® silicone gel

Encapsulating LED chips in silicone gels is becoming increasingly common – only silicones are sufficiently resistant to light and heat. These kinds of gels will be manufactured under cleanroom conditions at the new production site in Jincheon, South Korea.

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COEE in Pangyo, South Korea

The Center of Electronics Excellence (COEE) in Pangyo, South Korea, where WACKER develops specialty silicones for the automotive, lighting and electronics industries. Production of these silicones will be transferred to the new site in Jincheon.

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WETSOFT® NE 750 - Drop Test

The drop test proves that textiles that have been treated with WETSOFT® NE 750 are extremely absorbent. The emulsion penetrates to the base of the fabric, even with a long pile, which facilitates water uptake. Re-dying of the material is not a problem.

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The new softener WETSOFT® NE 750 is ideal for primary finishing of towels and high-quality materials. The treatment yields textiles that are full and soft yet absorbent. The hydrophilic fabric softener is available as a water-free concentrate with a high solids content.

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