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“Young Scientists” competition - Prinz-Carl-Palais

Highly motivated for the German finals: the winners of Bavaria’s “Young Scientists” competition were honored by State Chancellery Minister Dr. Marcel Huber (far right) and WACKER Executive Board member Auguste Willems (second from left) at Munich’s Prinz-Carl-Palais.

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The heat-conducting SEMICOSIL® 961 TC silicone filler from WACKER is applied directly to the heat sink. Once the electrical circuit is pressed on, the gap filler cures to form a soft, cushioning silicone layer that optimally transfers heat to the heat sink.

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Dr. Robert Gnann

Dr. Robert Gnann (51) has taken over as president of Wacker Chemie AG’s WACKER SILICONES division effective April 1, 2016.

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Technical Center Singapore - Technical service

Technical service engineers test products and formulations for the Southeast Asian market. Spanning an area of more than 1,500 square meters, WACKER’s regional competence center now houses under a single roof both customer development, applications technology, and a training facility for silicones and polymers applications.

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Technical Center Singapore - Practical test

Practical test at WACKER’s expanded technical center in Singapore: A new lab for silicone elastomers has been established to serve fast-growing industries in the region, such as electronics, healthcare, automotive or household.

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