Press Photos

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press pictures

Gotthard Tunnel - Completely closed

Completely closed to traffic: to provide protection against moisture and salt ingress, the ceiling of the Gotthard tunnel was impregnated in late September with a specialty silane cream made by WACKER, the Munich-based chemical group.

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press pictures

Gotthard Tunnel - Ceiling

A race against the clock: in late September, the ceiling of the Gotthard tunnel was impregnated with SILRES® BS Creme C from WACKER. The treatment affords the tunnel lasting protection against moisture and salt.

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press pictures

Wacker Metroark Chemicals - Kolkata

Wacker Metroark Chemicals’ production facility in Kolkata. The joint venture, in which WACKER has a 51 percent stake, produces silicones for the textile, personal-care and construction sectors.

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press pictures

High performance silicone brand LUMISIL®

Encapsulation of an LED using LUMISIL®, a WACKER product. These optical high-performance silicones do not just protect the device, they also serve as a lens.

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press pictures

Allentown HQ

WACKER POLYMERS’ new US headquarters in Allentown (Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, USA). Alongside research and applications labs, the 6,200 m2 facility houses sales, marketing, customer-service and administrative functions.

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