To subscribe to a WACKER RSS feed, you need either a “feed reader” for reading and managing RSS feeds independently of your browser or mail program, or simply subscribe to the RSS feeds directly via your browser or mail program (all the latest versions are capable of this). The help functions provide more information.

How do I read RSS feeds using my browser or mail program?
With recent versions of browsers or mail programs, you can even integrate RSS feeds directly. To check whether your browser is RSS-capable simply look at the address bar. Can you see the small RSS icon? If so, then you can easily subscribe directly to our feeds. More information is given in the relevant help functions.
RSS readers are stand-alone programs for managing different RSS feeds independent of your browser or mail program. Current RSS reader programs include:
- Feedreader (for Windows)
- Amphetadesk (for Windows, Apple & Linux)
- NetNewsWire (Lite Version for Apple)
Wacker Chemie AG does not accept liability for the above information being correct. Download and installation of RSS readers are at the user’s own risk.