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  • 极低的挥发性
  • 优异的剪切稳定性
  • 低表面张力
  • 出色的憎水性

硅油是一种无色无味的透明液体,且无已知不良影响。其粘度介于0.65到1,000,000 mm²/s之间,具体取决于硅油类型。由于每条甲基硅链之间的分子间作用力极弱,因此硅油在广泛的分子量范围内都呈液态。

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粘度 [mPa s]
摩尔质量 [Da]
0.65 162 2
10 1,200 16
100 5,200 70
1,000 15,000 200
10,000 37,000 500
100,000 74,000 1,000


  • 液压油和变压器硅油;
  • 阻尼液体;
  • 扩散泵油;
  • 耐高温润滑剂;
  • 电介质;
  • 消泡剂以及
  • 高性能数字打印机用离型剂。



Product properties
外观 应用稳定性 产品种类 具体特征
HELISOL® 10A colorless, clear colorless, clear 加热后具有稳定性 硅油, 油 良好的热稳定性, 耐热性
HELISOL® 5A colorless, clear[1] colorless, clear[1] 加热后具有稳定性 硅油, 油 良好的热稳定性, 耐热性
HELISOL® XA colorless, clear colorless, clear 加热后具有稳定性 硅油, 油 良好的热稳定性, 耐热性
HELISOL® XLP clear clear 加热后具有稳定性 硅油, 油 良好的热稳定性, 耐热性
POWERSIL® FLUID TR 50 - - - - 高火点, 高闪点
WACKER® AK 0,65 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 1 000 000 STAB colourless, slightly cloudy colourless, slightly cloudy - 硅油 高粘度, 耐热性
WACKER® AK 10 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 100 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 100 000 STAB colorless, slightly cloudy colorless, slightly cloudy - 硅油 耐热性
WACKER® AK 1000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - 硅油 -
WACKER® AK 10000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 100000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 1000000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 12500 colorless, clear colorless, clear - 硅油 -
WACKER® AK 150 000 STAB colorless,slightly cloudy colorless,slightly cloudy - 硅油 耐热性
WACKER® AK 20 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 200 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 200 000 STAB colourless, slightly cloudy colourless, slightly cloudy - 硅油 耐热性
WACKER® AK 2000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 20000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 200000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 300 000 STAB colourless, slightly cloudy colourless, slightly cloudy - 硅油 耐热性
WACKER® AK 30000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 300000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 35 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 350 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 5 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 50 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 500 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 500 000 STAB colourless, slightly cloudy colourless, slightly cloudy - 硅油 高粘度, 耐热性
WACKER® AK 5000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 500000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AK 600 000 STAB colourless, slightly cloudy colourless, slightly cloudy - 硅油 高粘度, 耐热性
WACKER® AK 60000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - 硅油 -
WACKER® AK 600000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® AKC Silicone Fluids clear to slightly turbid clear to slightly turbid - 硅油, 油 耐热性
WACKER® AKF 100 - - - - -
WACKER® AKF 1000 - - - - -
WACKER® AKF 10000 clear, colorless clear, colorless - - -
WACKER® AKF 300 - - - - -
WACKER® AP 500 STAB clear, brown clear, brown - - -
WACKER® eco AK 100 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® eco AK 1000 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® eco AK 350 colorless, clear colorless, clear - - -
WACKER® FINISH WS 62 M Colorless, clear liquid[2] Colorless, clear liquid[2] - - -
WACKER® SPRAY AK 200 ML - - - - -
[1] Appearance and color,  [2] Appearance 



  1. 采用更长的烷基链代替甲基基团接入硅氧烷主链
  2. 采用聚环氧乙烷、聚环氧丙烷或烷基氨基基团等有机聚合物进行改性。




Product properties
运动粘度 Refractive index 折射率 Amine number 动态粘度 Appearance 外观 效果 表面效应 产品种类 监管 具体特征
ADVALON® CF 3295 - - - - - - - - < 200 mPa·s[1] < 200 mPa·s[1] - - white milky liquid[8] white milky liquid[8] - - - - -
DEHESIVE® 811 - - - - - - - - 约 12000 mPa·s[2] 约 12000 mPa·s[2] - - - - - - 硅油 - 溶剂型
DEHESIVE® ADDITIVE R2 - - - - - - - - 约 200[2] 约 200[2] - - - - - - 助剂 - 不含溶剂
ELASTOSIL® CROSSLINKER SX - - - - - - - - 100 mPa·s[3] 100 mPa·s[3] - - colorless colorless - - - - -
JETSOFT® CONCENTRATE - - - - - - 约 0.65 ml 1 N HCI/g[17] 约 0.65 ml 1 N HCI/g[17] 约 3000 mPa·s[4] 约 3000 mPa·s[4] - - yellowish turbid fluid yellowish turbid fluid - - 浓缩液 - 用水稀释
LIOSIL® FC 110 - - - - - - - - - - - - clear to slightly turbid yellowish[9] clear to slightly turbid yellowish[9] - - 硅油 技术级 -
PULPSIL® 910 S - - 约 1.4335[19] 约 1.4335[19] - - - - - - - - colorless to slightly yellowish oil colorless to slightly yellowish oil - - - - -
PULPSIL® 955 S - - 约 1.4510[20] 约 1.4510[20] - - - - - - - - colourless to slightly yellowish oil[10] colourless to slightly yellowish oil[10] - - - - -
PULPSIL® 959 S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PULPSIL® 960 S - - 约 1.4480[19] 约 1.4480[19] - - - - - - - - slightly brownish fluid[10] slightly brownish fluid[10] - - - - -
PULPSIL® 968 S - - 约 1.4480[21] 约 1.4480[21] - - - - - - - - slightly brownish fluid[11] slightly brownish fluid[11] - - - - -
PULPSIL® eco 910 S - - 约 1.4335[19] 约 1.4335[19] - - - - - - - - colorless to slightly yellowish oil colorless to slightly yellowish oil - - - - -
PULPSIL® eco 960 S - - 约 1.4480[21] 约 1.4480[21] - - - - - - - - slightly brownish fluid[10] slightly brownish fluid[10] - - - - -
SILRES® BS 94 - - 约 1.396 约 1.396 - - - - - - - - colorless liquid colorless liquid - - - - -
SIPELL® RE 61 F - - - - - - - - 约 180 mPa·s[5] 约 180 mPa·s[5] - - clear, slighty yellowish liquid clear, slighty yellowish liquid - - - - -
SIPELL® RE 63 F 约 300 mm²/s[30] 约 300 mm²/s[30] - - - - - - - - - - clear to slightly turbid, brownish fluid clear to slightly turbid, brownish fluid - - - - -
WACKER® 65000 VP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WACKER® AP 100 - - 约 1.50[20] 约 1.50[20] - - - - - - - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - -
WACKER® AP 1000 900 - 1100 mm²/s[30] 900 - 1100 mm²/s[30] 1.5000 - 1.5150[22] 1.5000 - 1.5150[22] - - - - - - - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - -
WACKER® AP 1000 STAB 900 - 1100 mm²/s[31] 900 - 1100 mm²/s[31] 约 1.51[20] 约 1.51[20] - - - - - - - - clear, brown clear, brown - - - - -
WACKER® AP 150 - - 约 1.51[20] 约 1.51[20] - - - - - - - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - -
WACKER® AP 200 - - 约 1.50[23] 约 1.50[23] - - - - - - - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - -
WACKER® AP 500 - - 约 1.51[20] 约 1.51[20] - - - - - - - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - -
WACKER® APF 130 120 - 140 mm²/s[30] 120 - 140 mm²/s[30] 1.4930 - 1.5070[22] 1.4930 - 1.5070[22] - - - - - - - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - -
WACKER® APF 130 STAB 120 - 140 mm²/s[30] 120 - 140 mm²/s[30] 1.4930 - 1.5070[22] 1.4930 - 1.5070[22] - - - - - - - - clear, brown clear, brown - - - - -
WACKER® AR 200 - - 约 1.45[22] 约 1.45[22] - - - - - - - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - -
WACKER® AS 100 - - 1.42[22] 1.42[22] - - - - - - - - clear, colorless clear, colorless - - - - -
WACKER® CROSSLINKER HX 17 mm²/s[32] 17 mm²/s[32] - - - - - - - - - - colorless to yellow colorless to yellow - - - - -
WACKER® CROSSLINKER W 23 mm²/s[33] 23 mm²/s[33] - - - - - - - - - - colorless colorless - - - - -
WACKER® FINISH CT 208 E - - - - - - - - - - - - milky-white liquid milky-white liquid - - - - 低VOC含量
WACKER® FINISH CT 210 E - - - - - - - - - - - - milky-white liquid milky-white liquid - - 浓缩液 - 用水稀释
WACKER® FINISH CT 34 E - - - - - - - - - - - - clear, opaque clear, opaque - - 浓缩液 - 低挥发, 用水稀释
WACKER® FINISH CT 78 E - - - - - - - - - - - - milky, white milky, white - - 乳液 - 用水稀释, 低VOC含量
WACKER® FINISH CT 95 E - - - - - - - - - - - - clear, opaque clear, opaque - - - - 用水稀释, 低VOC含量
WACKER® FINISH CT 96 E - - - - - - - - - - - - clear, opaque clear, opaque - 柔软舒适的手感 乳液 - 低VOC含量
WACKER® FINISH eco WR 1100 LV - - - - - - 约 0.15 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.15 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 4000 mPa·s[5] 约 4000 mPa·s[5] - - clear to slightly turbid fluid clear to slightly turbid fluid - - - - -
WACKER® FINISH WR 1100 LV - - - - - - 约 0.15 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.15 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 4000 mPa·s[5] 约 4000 mPa·s[5] clear to slightly turbid fluid[12] clear to slightly turbid fluid[12] clear to slightly turbid fluid[12] clear to slightly turbid fluid[12] - - - - -
WACKER® FINISH WR 1200 - - - - - - 约 0.24 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.24 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 7000 mPa·s[5] 约 7000 mPa·s[5] - - clear to slightly turbid fluid clear to slightly turbid fluid - - - - 用水稀释
WACKER® FINISH WR 1300 - - - - - - 约 0.3 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.3 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 1000 mPa·s[5] 约 1000 mPa·s[5] - - clear to slightly turbid fluid clear to slightly turbid fluid - - - - 用水稀释
WACKER® FINISH WR 1300 LV - - - - - - 约 0.3 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.3 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 1000 mPa·s[5] 约 1000 mPa·s[5] - - clear to slightly turbid fluid clear to slightly turbid fluid - - - - -
WACKER® FINISH WR 215 LV - - - - - - 0.12 - 0.20 meq/g 0.12 - 0.20 meq/g 1000 - 10000 mPa·s[5] 1000 - 10000 mPa·s[5] - - - - - - - - -
WACKER® FINISH WR 301 - - - - - - 约 0.27 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.27 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 1000 mPa·s[5] 约 1000 mPa·s[5] - - clear to slightly turbid fluid clear to slightly turbid fluid - - - - -
WACKER® FINISH WT 1650 LV - - - - - - 约 0.6 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.6 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 1000 mPa·s[6] 约 1000 mPa·s[6] clear to slightly turbid fluid[12] clear to slightly turbid fluid[12] clear to slightly turbid fluid[12] clear to slightly turbid fluid[12] - - - - -
WACKER® FLUID NH 02 D - - 1.477[24] 1.477[24] - - - - - - - - colorless, clear liquid[13] colorless, clear liquid[13] - - - - -
WACKER® FLUID NH 10 D - - 1.403 - 1.407[25] 1.403 - 1.407[25] - - 2.1 - 2.3 meq/g[18] 2.1 - 2.3 meq/g[18] - - - - clear, colorless liquid[14] clear, colorless liquid[14] 柔软性 - 硅油, 油 - -
WACKER® FLUID NH 130 D - - 1.403 - 1.407[26] 1.403 - 1.407[26] - - - - - - - - clear, colorless liquid[13] clear, colorless liquid[13] - - - - -
WACKER® FLUID NH 15 D - - 1.403 - 1.407[25] 1.403 - 1.407[25] - - 1.6 - 2.0 meq/g[18] 1.6 - 2.0 meq/g[18] - - - - clear, colorless liquid[14] clear, colorless liquid[14] - - - - -
WACKER® FLUID NH 200 D 约 1000 mm²/s[34] 约 1000 mm²/s[34] 1.403 - 1.407[26] 1.403 - 1.407[26] - - 0.12 - 0.15 meq/g[18] 0.12 - 0.15 meq/g[18] - - - - clear, colorless liquid[15] clear, colorless liquid[15] - - - - -
WACKER® FLUID NH 30 D - - 1.403 - 1.407[27] 1.403 - 1.407[27] - - 0.77 - 0.91 meq/g[18] 0.77 - 0.91 meq/g[18] - - - - clear, colorless liquid - clear, pale yellow liquid[15] clear, colorless liquid - clear, pale yellow liquid[15] - - - - -
WACKER® GM 166 - - 1.4544 - 1.4554[22] 1.4544 - 1.4554[22] - - - - 800 - 1400 mPa·s[5] 800 - 1400 mPa·s[5] - - clear, brownish clear, brownish - - - - -
WACKER® GM 196 - - 1.4865 - 1.4930[22] 1.4865 - 1.4930[22] - - - - - - - - clear to slightly turbid, colorless to brownish clear to slightly turbid, colorless to brownish - - - - -
WACKER® IM 11 约 55 mm²/s[30] 约 55 mm²/s[30] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WACKER® IM 15 约 120 mm²/s[30] 约 120 mm²/s[30] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WACKER® IM 22 约 200 mm²/s[30] 约 200 mm²/s[30] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WACKER® IM 35 60 - 100 mm²/s[31] 60 - 100 mm²/s[31] - - - - - - - - - - Clear, brownish liquid Clear, brownish liquid - - - - -
WACKER® L 053 600 - 1400 mm²/s[30] 600 - 1400 mm²/s[30] 1.4500 - 1.4550[22] 1.4500 - 1.4550[22] - - - - - - - - clear to slightly turbid, colorless to yellowish clear to slightly turbid, colorless to yellowish - - - -
WACKER® L 053 SG 500 - 750 mm²/s[30] 500 - 750 mm²/s[30] - - 1.4500 - 1.4550[28] 1.4500 - 1.4550[28] - - - - clear to slightly turbid, colorless to yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid, colorless to yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid, colorless to yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid, colorless to yellowish liquid[12] - - - - -
WACKER® L 057 - - - - 约 1.4440[28] 约 1.4440[28] - - - - yellowish to slightly brownish fluid[16] yellowish to slightly brownish fluid[16] - - - - - -
WACKER® L 060 - - - - 约 1.4480[29] 约 1.4480[29] - - - - slightly brownish fluid[12] slightly brownish fluid[12] slightly brownish fluid[12] slightly brownish fluid[12] - - - -
WACKER® L 066 10 - 25 mm²/s[30] 10 - 25 mm²/s[30] - - - - - - - - clear fluid[12] clear fluid[12] clear fluid[12] clear fluid[12] - - - -
WACKER® L 067 - - - - - - - - - - clear, colorless to slightly brownish fluid[12] clear, colorless to slightly brownish fluid[12] clear, colorless to slightly brownish fluid[12] clear, colorless to slightly brownish fluid[12] - - - -
WACKER® L 361 DE 250 - 450 mm²/s[30] 250 - 450 mm²/s[30] - - 1.4500 - 1.4580[28] 1.4500 - 1.4580[28] - - - - colorless to yellowish, clear to slightly turbid[12] colorless to yellowish, clear to slightly turbid[12] colorless to yellowish, clear to slightly turbid[12] colorless to yellowish, clear to slightly turbid[12] - - - - -
WACKER® L 652 80 - 700 mm²/s[30] 80 - 700 mm²/s[30] - - 约 1.405[28] 约 1.405[28] 0.12 - 0.18 meq/g 0.12 - 0.18 meq/g - - clear, colorless to yellowish[12] clear, colorless to yellowish[12] clear, colorless to yellowish[12] clear, colorless to yellowish[12] - - - - -
WACKER® L 653 50 - 100 mm²/s[30] 50 - 100 mm²/s[30] - - 1.4020 - 1.4050[28] 1.4020 - 1.4050[28] 0.10 - 0.15 meq/g 0.10 - 0.15 meq/g - - clear, colorless to yellowish[12] clear, colorless to yellowish[12] clear, colorless to yellowish[12] clear, colorless to yellowish[12] - - - - -
WACKER® L 654 100 - 150 mm²/s[31] 100 - 150 mm²/s[31] - - 1.4090 - 1.4120[28] 1.4090 - 1.4120[28] 0.25 - 0.32 meq/g 0.25 - 0.32 meq/g - - clear[12] clear[12] clear[12] clear[12] - - - - -
WACKER® L 655 25 - 65 mm²/s[31] 25 - 65 mm²/s[31] - - 1.4105 - 1.4135[28] 1.4105 - 1.4135[28] 1.30 - 1.50 meq/g 1.30 - 1.50 meq/g - - clear, colorless to yellowish[12] clear, colorless to yellowish[12] clear, colorless to yellowish[12] clear, colorless to yellowish[12] - - - - -
WACKER® L 656 15 - 35 mm²/s[30] 15 - 35 mm²/s[30] - - 1.4090 - 1.4120[28] 1.4090 - 1.4120[28] 1.20 - 1.40 meq/g 1.20 - 1.40 meq/g - - clear[12] clear[12] clear[12] clear[12] - - - - -
WACKER® TN 1000 - 1600 mm²/s[35] 1000 - 1600 mm²/s[35] - - 1.4620 - 1.4650[28] 1.4620 - 1.4650[28] - - - - clear, colorless[12] clear, colorless[12] clear, colorless[12] clear, colorless[12] - - - - -
WACKER® TPD 200 - 400 mm²/s[30] 200 - 400 mm²/s[30] - - 1.4025 - 1.4045[28] 1.4025 - 1.4045[28] 0.015 - 0.035 meq/g 0.015 - 0.035 meq/g - - clear, colorless[12] clear, colorless[12] clear, colorless[12] clear, colorless[12] - - - - -
WETSOFT® CTA - - - - - - 约 0.2 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.2 ml 1 N HCI/g 2000 - 5000 mPa·s[7] 2000 - 5000 mPa·s[7] clear to slightly turbid yellowish fluid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish fluid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish fluid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish fluid[12] - - - - 用水稀释
WETSOFT® eco LV 810 - - - - - - 约 0.25 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.25 ml 1 N HCI/g 1000 - 6000 mPa·s[5] 1000 - 6000 mPa·s[5] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] - - - - -
WETSOFT® LV 750 - - - - - - - - - - milky-white to slightly yellowish[12] milky-white to slightly yellowish[12] milky-white to slightly yellowish[12] milky-white to slightly yellowish[12] - - - - -
WETSOFT® LV 810 - - - - - - 约 0.25 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.25 ml 1 N HCI/g 1000 - 6000 mPa·s[5] 1000 - 6000 mPa·s[5] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] - - - - -
WETSOFT® NE 810 - - - - - - 约 0.25 ml 1 N HCI/g 约 0.25 ml 1 N HCI/g 2000 - 7000 mPa·s[5] 2000 - 7000 mPa·s[5] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] clear to slightly turbid yellowish liquid[12] - - 浓缩液 - 用水稀释
WETSOFT® NE 820 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[1] Viscosity | WSTM 3001,  [2] 动态粘度 | 25 °C ,  [3] 动态粘度 | 23 °C | DIN 53019,  [4] 动态粘度 | 25 °C | acc. ISO 2555,  [5] 动态粘度 | 25 °C | DIN 53019,  [6] 动态粘度 | DIN 53019,  [7] 动态粘度 | Brookfield | acc. ISO 2555,  [8] 外观 | 25 °C | WSTM 3043,  [9] Appearance and color,  [10] 外观 | visual check,  [11] Appearance and color | visual check,  [12] Appearance,  [13] appearance and color | 目测,  [14] appearance | visual check,  [15] appearance and color,  [16] Appearance | visual check,  [17] Amine number substance,  [18] amine content,  [19] Refractive index | 25.0 °C | DIN 51428,  [20] Refractive index | 25.0 °C | DIN 51423,  [21] Refractive index | 25 °C | DIN 51428,  [22] Refractive index | 25 °C | DIN 51423,  [23] Refractive index | DIN 51423,  [24] refractive index,  [25] refractive index | 25.0 °C ,  [26] refractive index | 25 °C | DIN 51423,  [27] refractive index | 25 - 25 °C ,  [28] 折射率 | 25 °C | DIN 51423,  [29] 折射率 | 25 °C | DIN 51428,  [30] 运动粘度 | 25 °C | DIN 51562-1 ,  [31] 运动粘度 | DIN 51562-1 ,  [32] 运动粘度 | 25 °C | DIN 51562,  [33] 运动粘度 | 23 °C | DIN 51562-1 ,  [34] 运动粘度 viscosity, kinematic | 25 °C | DIN 51562,  [35] 运动粘度 | 25 °C | DIN 53019 



  1. 粒度介于100纳米到几微米之间的巨乳液通常呈不透明状,即乳白色。
  2. 粒度小于100纳米的微乳液通常呈清澈状或乳白色状。



Product Recommendations

Technical data
Product properties
pH值 Emulsifier type 成分 Appearance 外观 Application Stability Effect Product Type Regulation Specific Features Processing Properties
ADVALON® EL 41 约 5[1] 约 5[1] - - 约 39 %[7] 约 39 %[7] milky-white liquid[18] milky-white liquid[18] milky-white liquid[18] milky-white liquid[18] Resistance to alkalis - - - - -
BELSIL® ADM 6057 E - - cationic, nonionic[21] cationic, nonionic[21] 35 %[8] 35 %[8] - - milky, white milky, white - - - - - -
BELSIL® ADM 6102 E - - nonionic nonionic approx 35 %[9] approx 35 %[9] - - milky milky - - - - - -
BELSIL® ADM 6300 E - - nonionic nonionic 约 35.0 %[9] 约 35.0 %[9] - - milky, white milky, white - - - - - -
BELSIL® ADM 8105 E - - Nonionic Nonionic 约 20 %[8] 约 20 %[8] - - Translucent Liquid Translucent Liquid - - - - - -
BELSIL® ADM 8301 E - - nonionic nonionic 20.0 %[9] 20.0 %[9] - - translucent translucent - - - - - -
BELSIL® ADM 9000 E - - nonionic/cationic[22] nonionic/cationic[22] 约 35 %[9] 约 35 %[9] - - milky milky - - - - - -
BELSIL® ADM 9103 E 4.5 - 7[2] 4.5 - 7[2] non-ionic non-ionic - - - - milky milky - - - - - -
BELSIL® DADM 3240 E 4.0 - 6.0 4.0 - 6.0 - - - - milky liquid[18] milky liquid[18] milky liquid[18] milky liquid[18] - - - - - -
DEHESIVE® 972 AMA® - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
JETSOFT® NFS 约 5[3] 约 5[3] - - - - - - clear to slightly turbid yellowish silicone solution clear to slightly turbid yellowish silicone solution - - - - - -
LIOSIL® FC 201 E 6 - 9[2] 6 - 9[2] nonionic nonionic 约 66 %[10] 约 66 %[10] - - milky-white milky-white - - Emulsions Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® FC 204 E - - nonionic nonionic 约 24 %[7] 约 24 %[7] opalescent to yellow[18] opalescent to yellow[18] opalescent to yellow[18] opalescent to yellow[18] - - Emulsions Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® FC 207 E 3.5 - 6.5[2] 3.5 - 6.5[2] nonionic nonionic 约 50 %[10] 约 50 %[10] - - clear, opaque clear, opaque - - Emulsions Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® FC 218 E 约 6[2] 约 6[2] - - 约 40 %[10] 约 40 %[10] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] - - Emulsions Halal, Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® FC 225 E 约 5[2] 约 5[2] nonionic nonionic 约 40 %[11] 约 40 %[11] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] - - Emulsions Halal, Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® FC 228 E 约 6[2] 约 6[2] nonionic nonionic 约 40 %[12] 约 40 %[12] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] - - Emulsions Halal, Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® FC 320 E 4 - 6.5[2] 4 - 6.5[2] nonionic nonionic 约 30.0 %[13] 约 30.0 %[13] - - translucent[19] translucent[19] - - Emulsions Halal, Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® FC 3300 E 5 - 8[2] 5 - 8[2] - - 约 50 %[7] 约 50 %[7] sligthly hazy, colourless[18] sligthly hazy, colourless[18] sligthly hazy, colourless[18] sligthly hazy, colourless[18] - easy-iron, softness, hydrophilicity Emulsions - - -
LIOSIL® HC 303 E 4.5[2] 4.5[2] nonionic nonionic 约 17 %[14] 约 17 %[14] clear - slightly opaque[18] clear - slightly opaque[18] clear - slightly opaque[18] clear - slightly opaque[18] - - Emulsions Halal, Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® HC 303 E US 4.5[2] 4.5[2] - - - - - - clear - slightly opaque clear - slightly opaque - - - - - -
LIOSIL® HC 603 E 4.5[2] 4.5[2] nonionic nonionic 约 17 %[14] 约 17 %[14] - - clear-slightly opaque clear-slightly opaque - - Emulsions Halal, Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® HC 621 E 4.0[2] 4.0[2] nonionic nonionic 约 17 %[14] 约 17 %[14] - - slightly opaque slightly opaque - - Emulsions Technical grade - -
LIOSIL® TS 1010 E - - - - 约 33 %[12] 约 33 %[12] - - - - - - - - - -
LIOSIL® TS 405 E - - - - 约 8 %[12] 约 8 %[12] - - - - - - - - - -
LIOSIL® TS 5002 E - - - - 约 16 %[12] 约 16 %[12] - - - - - - - - - -
LIOSIL® TS 533 - - - - 约 35 %[10] 约 35 %[10] - - - - - - - - - -
LIOSIL® TS 533 E US 约 5[4] 约 5[4] - - 约 35 %[12] 约 35 %[12] Colorless, clear[18] Colorless, clear[18] Colorless, clear[18] Colorless, clear[18] - - - - - -
LIOSIL® TS 913 E - - - - 约 22 %[12] 约 22 %[12] - - - - - - - - - -
POWERSOFT® AE 18 5 - 7[1] 5 - 7[1] - - 约 70 %[10] 约 70 %[10] colorless, clear[18] colorless, clear[18] colorless, clear[18] colorless, clear[18] - - - - - -
POWERSOFT® AE 61 约 9[5] 约 9[5] - - 约 61 %[12] 约 61 %[12] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] - - Concentrate - - -
POWERSOFT® AE 66 约 5[3] 约 5[3] - - 约 61 %[10] 约 61 %[10] colorless, opaque[18] colorless, opaque[18] colorless, opaque[18] colorless, opaque[18] - - Concentrate - - -
POWERSOFT® PE 280 4.5 - 5[5] 4.5 - 5[5] - - 约 25 %[14] 约 25 %[14] clear to slightly yellowish[18] clear to slightly yellowish[18] clear to slightly yellowish[18] clear to slightly yellowish[18] - - Emulsions - Dilutable with water -
POWERSOFT® UP 70 LV 5.0 - 7.0[1] 5.0 - 7.0[1] - - 约 60 %[12] 约 60 %[12] extensively clear, colorless to slightly yellowish[18] extensively clear, colorless to slightly yellowish[18] extensively clear, colorless to slightly yellowish[18] extensively clear, colorless to slightly yellowish[18] - - - - - -
SILFOAM® eco SE 2263 - - o/w, nonionic to slight anionic o/w, nonionic to slight anionic 约 26 %[7] 约 26 %[7] white[20] white[20] - - - - - - - -
SIPELL® AE 34 约 5[2] 约 5[2] - - approx 50 %[10] approx 50 %[10] colorless to yellowish, opalescent[18] colorless to yellowish, opalescent[18] colorless to yellowish, opalescent[18] colorless to yellowish, opalescent[18] - - Concentrate - Dilutable with water, Low VOC -
SIPELL® AE 45 约 5[2] 约 5[2] - - approx 40 %[10] approx 40 %[10] milky white emulsion[18] milky white emulsion[18] milky white emulsion[18] milky white emulsion[18] - - Emulsions - - -
SIPELL® AP 609 LV 约 7[1] 约 7[1] - - approx 70 %[15] approx 70 %[15] milky white emulsion[18] milky white emulsion[18] milky white emulsion[18] milky white emulsion[18] - - - - - -
SIPELL® CE 27 约 7 约 7 - - approx 63 %[10] approx 63 %[10] milky white emulsion[18] milky white emulsion[18] milky white emulsion[18] milky white emulsion[18] - - - - - -
SIPELL® VF 35 LV 约 8[2] 约 8[2] - - 约 30 %[12] 约 30 %[12] slightly milky emulsion[18] slightly milky emulsion[18] slightly milky emulsion[18] slightly milky emulsion[18] - - - - - -
SIPELL® WT 19 约 6[2] 约 6[2] - - 约 40 %[15] 约 40 %[15] opalescent to slightly milky emulsion[18] opalescent to slightly milky emulsion[18] opalescent to slightly milky emulsion[18] opalescent to slightly milky emulsion[18] - - - - - -
WACKER® 23167 VP 4.5 - 7.5[2] 4.5 - 7.5[2] nonionic nonionic 52.0 - 57.0 %[10] 52.0 - 57.0 %[10] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] - - - - - -
WACKER® CROSSLINKER V 95 约 11 约 11 - - - - clear, colorless to yellowish liquid[18] clear, colorless to yellowish liquid[18] clear, colorless to yellowish liquid[18] clear, colorless to yellowish liquid[18] - - - - - -
WACKER® E 3166 4.5 - 7.5[2] 4.5 - 7.5[2] nonionic nonionic 52.0 - 57.0 %[16] 52.0 - 57.0 %[16] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] - - - - - -
WACKER® E 3173 5.0 - 8.0[2] 5.0 - 8.0[2] nonionic / anionic nonionic / anionic 56.0 - 61.0 %[10] 56.0 - 61.0 %[10] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] - - - - - -
WACKER® E 3196 4.5 - 7.5[2] 4.5 - 7.5[2] nonionic nonionic 54.0 - 58.0 %[12] 54.0 - 58.0 %[12] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] - - - - - -
WACKER® E 32 3.5 - 7.0[2] 3.5 - 7.0[2] nonionic nonionic 37.0 - 42.0 %[10] 37.0 - 42.0 %[10] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] - - - - - -
WACKER® FINISH CT 27 E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WACKER® FINISH CT 45 E 约 5 约 5 - - 约 40 %[10] 约 40 %[10] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] - - Emulsions - - -
WACKER® FINISH CT 46 E 4.5 - 7.0[2] 4.5 - 7.0[2] - - 38.0 - 41.0 %[15] 38.0 - 41.0 %[15] milky white[18] milky white[18] milky white[18] milky white[18] - - - - - -
WACKER® FINISH CT 55 E - - - - - - - - - - - - Concentrate - - -
WACKER® FINISH CT 64 E 约 5[5] 约 5[5] - - 约 61 %[12] 约 61 %[12] colorless, opaque[18] colorless, opaque[18] colorless, opaque[18] colorless, opaque[18] - - Concentrate - - Easy handling and dosing
WACKER® FINISH WS 60 E 约 3.5[2] 约 3.5[2] - - 45 %[17] 45 %[17] milky-white liquid[18] milky-white liquid[18] milky-white liquid[18] milky-white liquid[18] - - - - - -
WACKER® TNE 50 5.5 - 8.5[2] 5.5 - 8.5[2] nonionic nonionic 52.0 - 57.0 %[12] 52.0 - 57.0 %[12] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] milky[18] - - - - - -
WETSOFT® LV 430 约 7 约 7 - - 约 45 %[14] 约 45 %[14] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] milky, white[18] - - Emulsions - Dilutable with water, Low VOC -
WETSOFT® LV 500 5 - 8[2] 5 - 8[2] - - 约 50 %[12] 约 50 %[12] sligthly hazy, colourless[18] sligthly hazy, colourless[18] sligthly hazy, colourless[18] sligthly hazy, colourless[18] - - - - - -
WETSOFT® LV 720 约 7[5] 约 7[5] - - 约 79 %[14] 约 79 %[14] transparent[18] transparent[18] transparent[18] transparent[18] - - Emulsions - Dilutable with water -
WETSOFT® NE 430 - - - - 约 44 %[10] 约 44 %[10] milky-white macro emulsion[18] milky-white macro emulsion[18] milky-white macro emulsion[18] milky-white macro emulsion[18] - - - - - -
WETSOFT® NE 500 6[6] 6[6] - - 约 50 %[10] 约 50 %[10] Slightly hazy, colourless[18] Slightly hazy, colourless[18] Slightly hazy, colourless[18] Slightly hazy, colourless[18] - - - - - -
[1] pH value | 指示剂条,  [2] pH值 | 指示剂条,  [3] pH-Value,  [4] pH值 value | 指示剂条,  [5] pH value,  [6] pH值 at 25 °C | 50g/l H₂O | 指示剂条,  [7] Solids content | Microwave oven,  [8] Active ingredients content,  [9] 活性成分,  [10] 固含量 | Microwave oven,  [11] solids content | Microwave oven,  [12] Solid content | Microwave oven,  [13] 固含量,  [14] Solid content,  [15] Solid Content | Microwave oven,  [16] 成分 | Microwave oven,  [17] Solid content | Microwave oven,  [18] Appearance,  [19] Appearance and color,  [20] Colour,  [21] Emulsifying system ,  [22] Emulsifier 



  • 它们不会硬化,且性能几乎不受温度变化的影响。
  • 硅脂具有出色的耐水性、憎水性和抗氧化性,因此极其经久耐用,并且可在各种表面形成耐候保护层。
  • 硅脂具有抗微生物性、无味且毒性较低,抗辐射性最高可达近106 rad,并且与许多化学品均不会发生反应。
  • 硅脂与众多基材表面均具有优异的粘合性,并且在塑料与塑料以及塑料与金属之间可以起到良好的润滑效果。另外,它们本身就具有出色的润滑性。
  • 硅脂在多种弹性体和塑料表面均具有良好的脱模效果。
  • 硅脂不仅能确保良好的电绝缘性能,并且还具有高介电强度、高介电常数和低损耗因子。
  • 硅脂具有出色的储存稳定性。它们的特定性能最久可维持12个月,而一般特性则可以维持几年的时间。



Product properties
POWERSIL® PASTE AP 硅胶制品边缘不溶胀性, 润滑剂






熔点 外观
WACKER® 50550/8 VP 约 30 °C 约 86.0 °F waxy waxy
WACKER® W 23 39.0 - 45.0 °C 102.2 - 113 °F white, wax-like white, wax-like
WACKER® W 27 70 °C 158 °F solid wax[1] solid wax[1]
[1] Appearance 


有机硅消泡化合物 是一种不透明或者轻微浑浊的油状粘性液体,主要适用于含水量较少或不含水的体系。这种化合物可单独使用或与表面活性剂等适合的配方组分混合使用。

自分散型有机硅消泡剂 由消泡剂化合物与有机活性剂和助剂混合而成,它们与发泡配方接触时会自动分散,并且具有良好的相容性和铺展性。

有机硅消泡乳液 是消泡剂化合物(活性成分含量介于5%至50%之间)的水包油(O/W)乳液,它们主要适用于水性配方及应用。

有机硅消泡粉末 非常适合用于粉末洗涤剂等粉末状产品。

硅油 在无水、非极性体系中具有出色的消泡特性,它们适用于对与其他物质的相容性没有要求的应用。







